Everton Village Hall
Everton village hall is a community hall run by volunteers for the benefit of the village

Everton Village Hall in Bedfordshire is situated in Church Lane EVERTON midway between the Thornton Arms public house and the village church. Click here for a map.

The original building was erected in 1905 for the church and parish of Everton in memory of J. H. Astell Esq. of Woodbury Hall by his widow, on ground granted by Francis Pym Esq. of Hasells Hall. It was enlarged and renovated with village effort and re-opened by Mr & Mrs Jonathan Pym on 3rd July 1982.

The hall is used for a variety of regular classes throughout the week  including Yoga and the local Primary School. It is also available for hire as a venue for all types of events including children's parties, coffee mornings, craft sales, presentations and meetings.

Everton Village Hall is a registered charity (number 200201) and is run by a group of volunteers who live in the village. The management committee is made up of a chairman, secretary, treasurer, bookings secretary and general committee members.  The committee meet about every two months.

The hall is a member of the Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) and has benefited from an Awards for All grant recently to fund major hall improvements,

If you would like to get involved with the operation of the village hall, please speak to a committee member or contact us via the Contacts page.

About Us

Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) is the leading community development agency working across Bedfordshire, with a proven track record built up over 60 years. BRCC also serves as the Rural Community Council (RCC) for Bedfordshire, one of 38 RCCs in England working together under the national umbrella body, ACRE. Everton village hall is a member of BRCC.

Awards 4 All is a Lottery grants programme that funds small, community-based projects across the UK.  In 2012 Everton Village Hall was awarded an Awards 4 All grant for hall improvements including new windows and french doors.
